"Mugwort opens up chambers of ancient memory within the brain, bringing to one's dream life stirring visions of past and future that overflow with magical imagery. The symbols that dance through your mugwort-touched dreams pull out the cobwebs of our forgetfulness and assist us in remembering old, unwritten ways of healing and living that attend to the needs of spirit and soul." - Judith Berger

Mugwort is one of my dearest plant guides. It pairs so perfectly with Labradorite to enhance its visioning and third eye properties. Try placing a satchet of mugwort underneath your pillow at night with your piece of Labradorite. - Sarah

Mugwort - Latin Name Artemisia douglasiana. There are many species of Mugwort (Artemisia’s) the douglasiana is the most common one here in the Greater Sacramento area and is native to California .

Astrological Embodiment - Cancer , Pisces 

Taste - Bitter, Pungent 

Energetics - Complex temperature with cooling bitter principles and warming aromatics (more warm than cool)

Favorite Uses -

  • As a smoke to cleanse energy, and to burn during meditation and before sleep. 

  • Placing Mugwort underneath the pillow before bed to enhance dreams

  • Plant Brushing to cleanse and protect the auric field.

  • Infused into an oil and used topically for muscle aches, cramps and moving stagnant energy. 

  • Dried and smoked to enhance dreams and relax, mugwort is slightly psychoactive.

  • Tincture before bed to relax and enhance dreams.

  • Tincture to help with digestion.

  • Make a tea by steeping the mugwort for 4hrs and then placing the water in the bathtub 

  • Moon Infusion by placing fresh mugwort in cold water and letting it steep overnight under the moon. 

Contraindications: Since Mugwort can stimulate blood flow some practitioners recommend avoiding internal use during pregnancy.