Day 7 

Every crystal has a harmonic frequency. Labradorite vibrates at level 6 and 7.

These vibrations balance and harmonize the physical and spiritual aspects of our essence.

They increase the desire for truth, knowledge, wisdom, and collective consciousness.

Labradorite is seeking out those that are allowing of change and truth. If you have been called

to read these words Labradorite has chosen you to be on this energetic grid of change and

truth. You are the wisdom holder and light for the collective.

Lean into your highest self

Today as you flow through see if you can lean into all the places Labradorite is calling you to step up to your highest path and timeline. She is aligning people/places and things to guide you. Can you be observant to this guidance today? It could be someone coming up to you and sharing their problems or an opportunity arising, be aware of how your life is presenting you with opportunities to step into this lightworker role today