Shungite EMF Hamsa Incense Holder


These powerful orgonite energy devices generates positive energy and radiates healing frequencies. The charging plate has a crystal grid built within it encoded and activated with Healing Frequencies and Quantum Healing Techniques to help cleanse your aura and living/work space.

I have this Hamsa on my altar, by our front door and in the center of our home to protect our energy - It can be hung on the wall or used as Incense holder.

I’m so honored to have this divine guidance flow through my hands to yours.

They are created with
Powdered Shungite

Elite Shungite

Powdered Selenite
Clear Quartz points
Pyrite chips

Copper Shavings

Epoxy Resin

Meteorite shavings

Brass shavings
Reiki, Love and intention

These are made by me, each created with so much intention and reverence for the energy it embodies and offers. We also use Frequency as we create them.

Orgone is a combination of Organic and inorganic materials, I have also designed these pieces using my EMF meter and tested with how water freezes using the energy for maximum protection.

These pieces have been having amazing results from, headache relief, sleep aides, energy protection and even used to place medication to charge.

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