Crystals for Self Love


This kit is curated to guide you to the love your higher-self has for you. Intuitively picked crystal guides to deepen your journey within. This box set comes with meanings, how to use and an affirmation.

Clear Quartz - Clarify and focus - use to amplify intentions by holding it and speaking your self into existence.

Rhodonite - Forgiveness and deep emotional healing. Hold her close and ask for healing to gracefully and easily flow to you. Open you heart to receive the loving vibration of Rhodonite.

Rose Quartz - Fill your aura with the loving protection of Rose Quartz. Allowing in unconditional love and compassion.

Green Aventurine - This is a beautiful heart expanding crystal to allow healing. Put it on your heart and lay down. Imagine the green light and energy filling and healing your heart space.

Citrine - Bring intentional joy into your day, into your heart, into your body. Keep this citrine with you to light your path and bring you into the confidence of being held by your guides and higherself.

“You yourself , as much as anybody in the entire universe. Deserves you love and affection “ Gautama Buddha

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