Tangerine Quartz + My Healing Journey


Tangerine Quartz

Tangerine Quartz has been a big part of my healing journey. After experimenting with my pieces as I do with all my crystals, I found my childhood traumas and conditioning releasing. I found my relationship with my mom shifting.

Our visits usually consist of arguing on repeat. On one of her visits I decided to put Tangerine Quartz all around my living space. That trip we didn’t argue and connected in a way we never had before. She shared things about her past she never had before. I saw her in a different light, I saw her as a young girl, I saw her struggles and worries. I saw her intentions were always to protect me.

I loved the little her, I forgave her, I forgave me. This was all in silence in the moments we were just coexisting in the secret healing space I created.
Once I realized it was the amazing earth healer Tangerine Quartz that created the vibration for us to attune to, I began to share it.

I began to use it in my Crystal Healing sessions focusing on healing and releasing childhood traumas

I have such a deep love and appreciation for Tangerine Quartz.

I am now using it to heal ancestral and past life pain.
As well as with my own children, there will be major trauma after this last year and mask wearing, it is so detrimental for our children.

The Universe has blessed me with these amazing earth healers to share. Each piece has been part of ceremony, crystal grids and embody my intention for your healing.

and so it is ✨

With light,


Aura Cleansing Bath Ritual