8 ways to raise your vibrational frequency

✨ begin your day with gratitude (and come back to it as often as you can)
✨ practice “pause before react” gift yourself 3 breaths before reacting
✨ move your body or get out of your environment
✨ have a playlist for yourself to get you out of a low place
✨ notice if your thoughts are supporting you
✨ relax in your body where you feel this emotion
✨ lean into your crystals! My go to to get me up and out of a low vibrational state is Citrine
✨ Eat (most of my anger can be solved with a snack)

As a mom these are solutions, I lean into ✨✨✨

The Cleansing Tool-kit is a great way to cleanse and uplift your vibration


5 steps on how to ground your energy into the earth 🌍


3 Ways to Connect with Clear Quartz