4 Thoughts for Mindfulness

It’s as easy or as difficult as we create it to be and it’s only scary if we are afraid.

These are two sentences that have freed me from the loops of my own suffering.

Let it be easy ✨

What are your 4 thoughts you will be mindful of today?

Here’s mine
1. I will be aware of thoughts of judgment, we are all on our path.

2. I will be aware of thoughts of lack, I am connected to the infinite and ever expanding abundance of the universe.

3. I will be aware of thoughts of impatience, these moments are fleeting

3. I will be aware of how others are influencing my energy and I will call it back

4. I will be aware of how my energy is affecting others around me.

Tonight I’ll come back to this and evaluate how I was able to reclaim my energy today.


3 Ways to Flow With New Earth Energy


3 ways to connect, heal, and receive an activation from the land below you